I’ve got to say that even though this is kind of our own backyard, this tour was far more interesting and enjoyable than I expected. Probably should not have been so surprised by that, I guess.
It was about an hour and a half ride from the Port of Cleveland to New Hope and Berlin, Ohio. Much like Pennsylvania (and even New York, believe it or not), Ohio is largely a very rural state, with most of the land being forests and farms and fields, with a few cities. Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods) was a place that welcomed all people/all religions. That freedom is what drew the Amish (Pennsylvania Dutch) from Europe. From there, the land just kind of extended into Ohio, so these states have the two largest Amish/Mennonite communities in America.
But while seeming very familiar to areas south of Erie, I must say that the economy here is much more thriving and seemingly wealthier than in Western PA. Not sure why, but there is a vibrancy and more beautiful homes that you don’t generally find in the Amish communities in our neck of the woods.
One thing too, is while there are still lots of horses and buggies as a way to get around, there are a lot more e-bikes here. Amish men, and Amish women scooting along the roads at a pretty fast clip. That may also be happening in PA, but I have not seen that much of it.
Anyway, it was a nice visit to a beautiful part of the country. We had lunch at the Dutch Village which was delicious. Family-style with huge portions of chicken and gravy, ham, roast beef, (real) mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, rolls, and an incredible assortment of homemade pies. Just what we all needed after having stuffed ourselves on the ship for the past 10 days hahahahaha.
On to Niagara Falls next. Another great place (right in our own backyard).
Pretty cool that while we won’t be able to see it, our Viking ship will pass right by our house sometime tonight 🤪

As you can see (for those of you who know Erie) the land looks very familiar

The Amish still use horses and buggies, and all the businesses, shops, and restaurants around here have hitching posts.

But lots of them now ride e-bikes to get around, and some even drive golf carts like this one

Can you tell why I felt at home here 😉

Kids on break at school. Amish children go to private school in one room school houses. From 1st grade to 8th grade, and that’s enough learning. Time to go to work full-time after that. Kids were clearly enjoying this summer weather that is lasting into October.

Passed this exit heading back to the boat. SO close to home. Enjoying this trip but also looking forward to be back in Erie in a week.