Logistics Plus Poland April 2024 Projects

LP Poland LogoThe Logistics Plus (LP) Poland team continues to support and manage projects across Poland and nearby countries. Here are the most recent projects handled by LP Poland in April 2024.

1) Humanitarian Aid

LP Poland organized and managed the transportation of humanitarian aid for scouts fighting in the war in Ukraine.

2) Fingerboard

The LP Poland team delivered a fingerboard to Scotland, weighing 7,000 kgs and measuring 4.7 x 4.1 meters.

3) Yacht

LP Poland successfully transported a 3,500-kg yacht from Italy to Poland. The yacht measured 10.8 x 2.5 x 3.3 meters.

4) Forklifts

The LP Poland team transported six units of caterpillar forklifts from China to Ukraine. Photos from these projects can be seen below. To learn more about Logistics Plus Poland, please visit pl.logisticsplus.com. April Poland projects