Global transportation industry supplier

Davorka-FulurijaI would just like to take a minute to express my great appreciation for the Trade Compliance team in Erie, PA.  This team works very hard to make sure our field locations, which I am a part of, can operate quickly and efficiently when exporting material.  More specifically, I work directly with Davorka Fulurija numerous times each week.  Each time she is more than willing to take the time to help me with my requests, regardless of what it might require.  I had previously tried to nominate her for an “Above and Beyond” but was informed that this was only a reward system utilized for our own employees, and could not be given to contractors.  So, I wanted to reach out to you and express my gratitude and appreciation for Davorka and the immense amount of help she has offered me.  Thank you.

General Operations Support Specialist
Global transportation industry supplier