LP Turkey Featured in UTA Lojistik Magazine

(Click to view the Logistics Plus featured content)

Logistics Plus (LP) Turkey was featured in the May 2023 edition of the UTA Lojistik Magazine titled ‘Project Transportation Will Be Doubled In Turkiye.’ The LP Turkey team was featured in the magazine’s editorial (pages 28 & 29) and advertising (page 11) content.

Logistics Plus Global Projects Director Bahadir Erdil commented on the potential growth for the various industries in Turkey. “Turkiye is poised to become a major player in the global manufacturing market, particularly in the areas of power grid, gas tanks, wind energy, and cement plant components. The wind energy industry is also an area of significant growth in Turkiye. The country’s favorable climate and geography have made it an ideal location for wind farms, and Turkish companies have become leading producers of wind energy components, including blades, towers, hubs, and foundations. With its strong focus on renewable energy, Turkiye is well-positioned to become a key player in the global wind energy market.”

You can click the magazine image shown here to view the pages that feature Logistics Plus. The complete PDF version can be seen and downloaded here.

About UTA Lojistik Magazine
Being the first logistics and transportation magazine in Turkey, UTA Lojistik International Transportation and Logistics Magazine have been publishing for 28 years. UTA Lojistik is also Turkey’s first and only logistics magazine that is bilingual (Turkish-English). UTA Lojistik is regularly delivered to firms giving service on air, road, maritime, railway transportation and logistics, freight forwarders, dutiable and duty-free bonded warehouse owners, ports, and sector clients receiving logistics services – importers and exporters.
