by logisticsplus | Feb 24, 2023 | News
In case you missed it, Logistics Plus launched a new podcast channel on Spotify last year. LP Radio by Logistics Plus, as it is called, includes a variety of regular and ad-hoc programs providing updates on top supply chain news, trends, and careers. You’ll also get a deeper insight into Logistics Plus, the company, its people, and its locations. Regular programs include:
- Business Spotlight – Hosted by our media partner, WPSE Money Radio, various Logistics Plus employees are interviewed for their personal insights into the company, services, and the industry.
- GenZ Logisticz – Hosted by Hannah McCall, creative and social media specialist for Logistics Plus, this podcast looks at the logistics industry and careers from a youthful GenZ perspective.
- LogisticsPULSE – Hosted by Scott Frederick, cmo for Logistics Plus, with regular guest Keith Prather, managing director for Armada Corporate Intelligence, this podcast is an audio companion to our monthly LogisticsPULSE Supply Chain Executive Briefing.
Please listen, follow, and like the LP Radio by Logistics Plus podcast on any of these other popular channels:
Also, if you are on Spotify, don’t be surprised if you come across one of the Logistics Plus advertisements below (click to listen).
Have any ideas for other content you’d like to hear on LP Radio? Let us know at
by logisticsplus | Sep 17, 2020 | News
Logistics Plus has once again partnered with WPSE AM 1450/FM 107.1 Radio to bring a full slate of area high school, college, and NFL football games to radio airwaves in Erie, Pennsylvania. As a presenting sponsor, Logistics Plus will be mentioned prominently throughout each broadcast starting with tonight’s Browns game at 5:15 pm. All broadcasts can be heard locally on AM 1450 or FM 107.1; and most broadcasts (not NFL) can be streamed online at The sponsorship is a natural fit for Logistics Plus which has been a marquee sponsor for Best of Varsity Cup the past four years: the annual event that celebrates and honors the accomplishments of District 10 All-Area high school student-athletes and top performers.
Audio clips for three of the Logistics Plus “commercials” that will air during the games can be listened to below.
The Logistics Plus sponsorship will entail over 100 football games, including 19 high school games (see schedule below), 9 Penn State University college games (schedule TBD), 15 Cleveland Browns games (see schedule below), and 59 additional NFL games (schedule TBD)!
by logisticsplus | Jun 28, 2020 | News
Logistics Plus can be heard in a new rotation of audio clips recorded by WPSE Radio for its Partners for Business™ interview series. The WPSE Partners for Business interview series is an ongoing dialogue with northwestern Pennsylvania CEOs, entrepreneurs, and executives that airs throughout the day. It includes news, information, and profiles of companies, industries, and professions of interest to WPSE’s business- and financially-savvy listeners.
Here are two new audio clips from Scott Frederick, VP of Marketing for Logistics Plus:
National Logistics Day June 28, 2020
Best of Varsity Cup June 18, 2020
by logisticsplus | May 15, 2020 | News
Jim Berlin, the founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, appeared on today’s Logistics Matters with DC Velocity podcast. This new podcast is designed to help you keep up with what’s happening in the fast-changing logistics industry. Each week, the editors of DC Velocity discuss the latest news and developing trends we all need to know about to keep ahead of the competition. New episodes are posted each Friday. Subscribe now on your favorite podcast service so you don’t miss an episode!
Click the banner below to listen to today’s podcast or visit the following page:
by logisticsplus | Mar 21, 2020 | News
Logistics Plus COO and director of global operations, Yuriy Ostapyak, participated in a 2X eCommerce Podcast panel discussion this past week. This was the second episode of a COVID-19 series that addresses how the ecommerce industry should respond to the Coronavirus global epidemic. On this episode, host Kunle Campbell interviews three experts that serve the ecommerce industry in varying degrees. Click the image below to visit the page where you can read about the panel members and listen to this podcast.